Rocket Recorders 3 - Archway Publications

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Rocket Recorders : Book 3
Building on the skills the students learned in Books 1 & 2, this enables the students to practice at home, progress at their own rate and, perhaps, be rewarded for their work.
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This book adds D, G#, Bb and C#, to those learned from from books 1 & 2.

As the students are learning more and more notes, this has opens up the ability of playing music that is more sophisticated.
To assist in this, we have provided a piano accompaniment and backing tracks. This will aid the students in not only learning the pieces, but giving them the opportunity to play the pieces in a more musical atmosphere.

From the New World
Antoine Dvorak
Frere Jaques
Mattachins (Sword Dance)
Peter Warlock
To the New World
Antoine Dvorak
5Happy or Sad?
Tony & Daphne Matthews
Pastime with Good Company
King Henry VIII
The Travel Song
Tony Matthews
8A New Day
Tony Matthews
Georges Bizet
Rocket Recorder 3
The Pack conatins:
  • What is Rocket Recorders?
  • Tips to Teaching it
  • Enclosed are three versions:
  1. The Recorder Part with key signatures
  2. The Recorder Part with no key signatures
  3. The Recorder part with the Piano accompaniment

If you need anything arranged from this work, or just perhaps something new, please do not hesitate to contact us
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